Money, Credit & Your Life!

Like it or not, money and credit will rule your life.

Actually, money and credit are ruling your life right now. Relate to any of these realities?

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  • Short on cash. Constantly.
  • Ambitious, and determined to make something of your life.
  • Need to manage all your expenses entirely on your own.
  • Have more credit card debt than you can handle.
  • Looking for a job or a better job.

If you can relate, you'll probably find FoolProof Solo very valuable.

Whatever your situation, Solo helps you safely navigate the free enterprise system. Navigate the system right, and your odds of succeeding in life go straight up.

So, what is Solo's big message? You and you alone are in charge of your money and your credit. Your personal money skills have a huge impact on your life.

How does Solo work? We use highly interactive online sessions called "modules." Check out our topics on the right.

What to do:


FoolProof is the only financial literacy program in the United States that is endorsed by both the Consumer Federation of America and the National Association of Consumer Advocates.